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Wellspring at the Cross Keeping Prayer Central

Praying for the new couple at their traditional Rwandan wedding; Commissioning Ron Pagel to the ministry of Teacher; Five Fold and worship team along with the leaders of the prayer ministry praying for the Sunday Service: Baptizing in water and praying for the baptism of the Holy Spirit; Reaching out to the community at our booth at Cheese Fest and praying with people to be saved; Praying for the Kids before for Sunday school; Seeking direction at one of our Wednesday Night prayer meetings; Leading three men to the Lord near the Tanzania border in Rwanda; Praying spiritual warfare prayers in Kaukauna at the High School after the most recent suicide.

I think that you are amazing Wellspring at the Cross!!! Alive and beautiful in the hand of the Lord, submitted to His headship and advancing the Kingdom of Light, not by might, not by power, but by His Spirit!!!!


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